
Exercise 11: Writing task 寫作任務

Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transport.

Public and private transport

You want to travel alone, but do not have their own transport. At this time there are two options, to take the ride with others, or take their own one. The following is a real case.

Public transport:
With public transport by means of public transport, you can increase the chances of communicating with others, maybe meeting people who want to go to the same destination with them to increase travel companions. Because it is a large number of passengers, so the price will be cheaper than the pick-up and drop-off, and The impact of environmental pollution is also less.
On the contrary, you do not have a lot of room for yourself, and may interfere with the people next to it.General passenger transport will have several stations.When there are people in every station who want to get off, the journey will be longer.Most important thing is that the route is Can not change itself, can only choose the route to plan your trip.
Advantages: to recognize new friends, cheap, less pollution to the environment
大眾客運的優點: 能認識新朋友、價錢便宜、對環境的污染少
Disadvantages: it is difficult to have their own free space, take a long time, can not change the passenger to go to the place
大眾客運的缺點: 很難有自己的自由空間、乘坐時間久,不能自己改變客運要去的地點

Private transport:
One person traveling alone can have leisure and free space, no one interferes with you and can concentrate on enjoying your trip, because only a few passengers can be picked up, the price will be more expensive than that of the public, and the impact on the environment is even worse Big.
Conversely, you can not meet new friends and lose the chance to talk face-to-face with you.Private pick-up You can choose your own location and plan your travel more freely because you only need to pick-up and pick-up your passenger so go straight to where you are going location.
Advantages: to concentrate on their own travel, to choose their own place, spend less time
專人接送的優點: 能專心自己的旅行、能選擇自己要的地點、花的時間少
Disadvantages: not recognize new friends, expensive, more pollution to the environment
專人接送的缺點: 不能認識新朋友、價錢昂貴、對環境的汙染多