
Exercise 7: Cause and effect 原因和影響

Choose true or false for each statement.

Melting glaciers are caused by higher temperatures.
Choose: True

Higher temperatures lead to increased greenhouse gases. 溫度上升引導溫室氣體增加. Choose: False

Burning fossil fuels is the result of more greenhouse gases. 燃燒化石燃料的結果是更多溫室氣體. Choose: False

Deforestation is caused by commercial agriculture and subsistence farming. 砍伐樹林來建立商業性農場和私人農場. Choose: True

Deforestation results in soil erosion. 砍伐樹林的結果是土地流失. Choose: True

Using renewable energy sources is the result of improvement of the environment. 使用再生能源的結果是改善環境. Choose: False

Exercise 8: Using because and because of 使用because 和 because of

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

because of 屬於: 介係詞
相關說明: https://tw.blog.voicetube.com/archives/39456

1. The amount of greenhouse gas is increasing because of the amount of fossil fuels we are burning.

2. We need to find alternative sources of energy because burning fossil fuels is damaging the environment.

3. Abu Dhabi is a good place to build a solar power plant because there is plenty of sun and unused space in the desert.
Abu Dhabi是個建立太陽能發電廠的好地方,因為這地方有豐富的陽光和未被使用的沙漠地區.

4. Canada is able to produce a lot of hydroelectricity because of the Niagara Falls.

5. Many glaciers in the world are beginning to melt because of global warming.

6. Many glaciers in the world are beginning to melt because the planet is getting warmer.

Exercise 9: Topic sentences 主題句子

Match the sentence halves.

1. Our increasing need for energy is causing damage to the environment.

2. The environment can be improved by using renewable energy sources such as solar and hydroelectric power.

3. Animals are suffering because of the destruction of their habitat, which is caused by global warming and deforestation.

4. Countries in Northern Europe are not very good places to build solar power plants because they do not have much sunshine.

5. Hydroelectric power station can be found in countries like Canada, where there is a lot of water.

6. There are several ways in which we can help improve our environment.

Exercise 10: Topic sentences and paragraph structure 主題句和段落結構

Put the sentences in order to make a paragraph about wind power.

As well as solar and hydroelectric power, wind power is now being used to generate electricity.

In America, China and many countries in Europe, wind farms are being built.

Each of these wind farms is made up of anything between three and several hundred wind turbines. 每個風力發電廠都有三到數百個的風力發電機.

There are advantages and disadvantages to onshore wind farms. 陸地上的風力發電廠的優點和缺點. 說明: onshore陸地上 offshore 海上

Onshore wind farms are closer to where the energy is needed, but because of the way wind travels over land they are not very productive. 陸地上的風力發電廠靠近需要能源的地區,但風力會被陸地而削弱.

Along with the sun and water, the wind is now being used as a clean way to generate energy and in the future we will see more wind turbines in our landscape.