
Exercise 4: Collocations 配對

Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

In every city in the world, the worst time for traffic congestion is the rush hour in the morning and the evening. Different cities have reached different solutions to this problem. For example, in London there is a congestion charge which makes it expensive to drive in the centre of the city. This encourages people to travel by public transport or to use bicycles. To help cyclists in London, special cycle lanes have been created. In Canada, car sharing is encourage, with special lanes on the motorway for cars with more than one person inside. In old cities where the roads are narrow, parking restrictions can be introduced to stop parked cars blocking traffic.

Exercise 5: Academic synonyms 學術代名詞

Complete the table using the words in the box. 使用方框內的字來完成表格.

Academic verb 學術動詞 Common verb 普通動詞
prevent 避免 stop 停止
select 選擇 choose 選擇
attempt 嘗試 try 嘗試
consider 考慮 think about 思考
convince 說服 get 得到
realize 實現 understand 理解
organize 組織 run 跑;執行
require 需求 need 需要

Exercise 6: Word formation 詞的構造

Complete the table.

Verb 動詞 Noun 名詞 Adjective形容詞
prevent 避免 prevention 阻止 preventable 預防
select 選擇 selection 選擇 selected 選
attempt 嘗試 attempt 嘗試 attemptable
consider 考慮 consideration 考慮 considered 考慮
convince 說服 Nothing convincing 使人相信
realize 實現 realization 實現 Nothing
organize 組織 organization 組織 organized 安排
require 需求 requirement 必要條件 required 需要

Exercise 7: Condition clauses 條件子句

Link the pairs of sentences using if and will/won't.
使用if will won't 連結句子

1. If public transport is made cheaper, more people will use public transport.

2. If more people use public transport, there will be less pollution form cars.

3. If there is less pollution form cars, children will be healthier.

4. If there is less traffic congestion, people won’t get road rage.

5. If wearing seat belt become compulsory, fewer people will die in road accidents.

Exercise 8: Conditional clauses 附帶條件子句

Put the words and phrases in the right order to make conditional sentences.

1. If people drive more carefully, there will be fewer accidents.

2. If people live near their work, they will be able to walk home.

3. If there is a bridge over the river, people will not use the ferry.

4. If public transport is good, people will use it instead of their cars.

5. If young people realize the dangers of speed, they will drive more carefully.

6. If people turn of their phones when driving, there will be fewer accidents.

Exercise 9: Vocabulary 詞彙

Read the clues and then fined the academic vocabulary in the word search.

1. to try to something, especially something difficult: attempt
嘗試做某件事,特別困難的事情: 嘗試

2. to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: consider
花時間想關於可能行的,或花時間做出決定: 思考

3. to persuade someone or make them certain: convince
說服某人使他們確定: 說服

4. a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about: issue
人們思考並交談關於課程或問題: 問題

5. more important, bigger, or more serious than others of the same type: major
比其他同類更重要更大或更嚴重: 主要

6. to stop something from happening or someone from doing something: prevent
停止某件事,或停止某人做某件事: 避免

7. to need something or make something necessary: require
需要某東西,或需要必須使用: 需要

8. to choose someone or something from a group: select
在組合中選擇某人或某件事: 選擇