
Exercise 1: Previewing 預覽

Look at the photographs and complete the sentences.

1. In an lndian wedding the bride has her [ choose ] painted with henna.
在印度婚禮的新娘 [ 選擇 ] 繪畫紋路
Choose: hands

2. In a Chinese wedding the bride and groom drink [ choose ].
在中國婚禮的新娘和新郎喝 [ 選擇 ]
Choose: tea

3. In a Malay wedding the bride and groom [ choose ].
在馬來西亞婚禮的新娘和新郎 [ 選擇 ]
Choose: have a serious ceremony

Exercise 2: Reading for detail 閱讀細節

Read the article. Choose the correct responses.

Malaysia – one country, three cultures
馬來西亞 – 一個國家,三個文化

Malaysia is a country where three very different cultures live and work side by side, each culture following its own traditions. This can be most clearly seen in the different marriage ceremonies of these groups: Malay, lndian and Chinese.
馬來西亞是一個國家,有三個非常不同的文化,生活和工作並肩.最能顯示不同的婚姻儀式: 馬來西亞, 印度, 中國.

In the Malay wedding tradition, a relative of the groom visits the bride’s house bringing gifts including sweets and the engagement ring. On the morning of the wedding day, the bride and groom each have a special bath as required in Islam. The centre of the traditional Malay wedding is the marriage vow, a promise which is said in front of the imam – the priest – and their relatives and friends. The imam asks everybody if they have heard the vow clearly, and when they say yes he finishes the ceremony with a doa – a prayer asking for blessings from god.
在馬來西亞婚禮傳統,新郎的親戚訪問新娘的家,送禮物要包含甜食和訂婚戒子.在婚禮當天早上,新娘和新郎當要特別的伊斯蘭浴.傳統馬來西亞婚禮的中心是婚姻宣言,在imam – 牧師 – 其他親戚和朋友前說一個承諾.imam問每個人,如果他們宣言有聽清楚,並說:[是]用doa完成儀式 – 祈禱請求神的祝福.

In some ways, the Malay wedding ceremony is similar to the Indian wedding ceremony. The Indian wedding ceremony tends to be the most complicated, with very strict wedding customs. The bride and groom eat no meat for several days before the wedding. On the morning of the wedding day, henna – a natural brown paint – is put on the bride’s hands and feet in beautiful designs. She them dresses in a brightly coloured sari and puts on the jewellery the groom has given her. No one wears white or black at the wedding, as these are the colours for funerals.
在一方面,馬來西亞婚禮儀式類似印度婚禮儀式.印度婚禮儀式通常很複雜,非常嚴肅婚禮習俗.新娘和新郎在婚禮前幾天不能吃肉.婚禮當天早上,henna – 天然棕色油漆 – 以美麗設計放在新娘的手和腳.她穿上明亮顏色的sari,並戴上新郎給她的首飾.沒人在婚禮上穿白色或黑色,這些顏色是葬禮再穿的.

Colour is also very important in the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony. Red, which means wealth and happiness, is used to decorate the bride’s house. As well as the marriage ceremony, two important tea ceremonies are performed on the wedding day. In the first one, the bride gives tea to her parents by herself, before the wedding ceremony. The second one is when the bride and groom give tea to his parents at the end of the wedding. The wedding ceremony itself starts with the groom coming to the bride’s house to collect his bride. However, the friends and relative of the bride try to stop him. Although this has a serious meaning, there is a lot of laughing and joking as the groom gets to his bride. The ceremony is very simple, with the bride and groom asking for blessings for their marriage. Unlike Malay and Indian weddings, the Chinese wedding has no priest or imam.
在傳統中國婚禮儀式裡顏色很重要.紅色代表財富和幸福,用來裝飾新娘的家.除了這婚姻儀式, 在婚禮當天演出兩次重要茶儀式.第一次,新娘得到茶,並給父母,在婚禮儀式之前.第二次,新娘和新郎得到茶,在婚禮結束給他們父母.婚禮儀式本身是由新郎去新娘家來接新娘.然而,新娘的朋友和親戚嘗試阻止她.雖然這有嚴肅意思,這有很多笑聲和玩笑在新郎得到新娘.這儀式非常簡單,新娘和新郎請求婚姻的祝福.不像馬來西亞和印度婚禮,中國婚禮沒有牧師或imam.

These three types of traditional weddings can still be found in Malaysia. However, young people today tend to choose simpler weddings to fit in with their busy lifestyles and financial circumstances.

1. In the Malay tradition, a friend of the groom visits the bride’s house.
Choose: False (是親戚,不是朋友)

2. On the morning of her wedding day, an Indian bride has henna painted on her hands and feet.
Choose: True

3. There are two tea ceremonies during a Chinese wedding and at each ceremony the bride and groom give tea to their parents.
Choose: False

4. The imam finishes the wedding ceremony when everyone has heard the vow clearly.
Choose: True (不是要說: [是]?)

5. The groom, in an Indian wedding gives jewellery to the bride’s mother.
Choose: Does not say (不是要給新娘?)

6. The Chinese groom has to pay his bride’s friends and relatives.
Choose: False

Exercise 3: Reading for detail 閱讀細節

Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

1. In both Chinese and Malay weddings, the groom goes to collect the [ Choose ] from her house.
在中國和馬來西亞的婚禮,新郎去收集 [ 選擇 ] 從她家.
Choose: bride

2. An Indian bride and groom eat a [ Choose ] diet for several days before the wedding.
印度新娘和新郎吃 [ 選擇 ] 飲食在婚禮前幾天.
Choose: vegetarian

3. Before a Malay wedding, a [ Choose ] of the groom takes gifts to the bride.
馬來西亞婚禮前, [ 選擇 ] 新郎需要給新娘禮物.
Choose: relative

4. A Chinese bride serves tea to her [ Choose ] before the wedding ceremony.
中國的新娘把茶給 [ 選擇 ] ,在婚禮儀式之前.
Choose: parents

5. Because of their busy [ Choose ] . young people in Malaysia today tend to have small wedding.
因為忙碌 [ 選擇 ] .現今在馬來西亞的年輕人傾向小婚禮.
Choose: lives

6. At Indian funerals, people [ Choose ] in black and white clothes.
在印度葬禮,人們 [ 選擇 ] 黑色和白色衣服.
Choose: dress